The Electromagnetic Fountain

Archive for the ‘haunting’ Category

Peenemünde [xxxxx]

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Peenemünde [xxxxx] is a project/workshop initiated by Martin Howse, the results of which were presented at Transmediale, Berlin.

Here’s a short description of the project as given on its website.

“…Peenemünde [xxxxx] presents an intense, conspiratorial three day long working group/workshop within a key, historical location actively examining that fiction which presents a dark heart of technology (as evidenced by electromagnetic practice), and a vivid relation to entropy/ecology.”

The website is really worth a visit. It contains a host of information, and some profound ideas from the participants.


Written by ajsteggell

February 6, 2008 at 12:00 pm

The Aether and its Double

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Here’s a link to Martin Howse’s paper for Maxwell City called The Aether and its Double.

Here he reflects over the ghostlyness of the electromagnetic spectrum through the guise of science, science fiction, narrative and embodied experience.

Written by ajsteggell

June 5, 2007 at 9:11 am

Ghost Hunting 101

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HC Gilje sent me a link to Ghost Hunting 101, that provides a short history and various electromagnetic detection techniques used by ghost hunters.

It also includes classifications of haunting (developed by TriPar )

Class A – Classic Haunting
Exhibits intelligence, interacts etc. Fun/hazardous. Can bite, hit, shove, kick, and throw objects.

Class B – Residual Haunting
A “recording of time” that keeps playing itself over and over. Speculation: residual “psychic” impressions left on the land or building due to extreme emotional stress.

Class C – Poltergeist Activity
Activity conducted by a human agent, often a pubescent child thought to be creating a PK Burst or PSI activity. MRI scans often show an increase in Theta brain wave activity and possible over activity in the Pineal Gland.


Written by ajsteggell

May 13, 2007 at 10:13 pm


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A collaboration between Usman Haque and Professor Chris French (Goldsmiths College Psychology Department), 2005.

[From website: Using humidity, temperatures and electromagnetic and sonic frequencies that parapsychologists have associated with haunted spaces, this project aims at building an environment that feels “haunted”: a non-visual architecture. A circular featureless chamber was built inside a standard row house apartment in North London, measuring approximately 3m x 3m, and 4m high. The temperature was approximately 18 degrees celcius and the light level was about 1 lux. A purpose built infrasound cabinet and two electromagnetic coils provided varying stimuli.

The objective of the experiment was to determine whether infrasonic frequencies and magnetic field fluctuations similar to those found in supposedly “haunted” spaces can elicit physiological or psychological effects similar to those experienced in “hauntings”. During participation galvanic skin response of the participants was measured and they were required to note down any unusual phenomena they experienced, marking where these occured on a map of the room, and at what time. Each session lasted approximately 50 minutes. Participants were randomly placed in one of 4 groups though they were not informed of their group until the end of the experiment: those subjected to infrasound, those subjected to magnetic fields, those subjected to both and those subjected to neither. The objective of the experiment was to determine whether infrasonic frequencies and magnetic field fluctuations similar to those found in supposedly “haunted” spaces can elicit physiological or psychological effects similar to those experienced in “hauntings”.

haunt haunting

During participation galvanic skin response of the participants was measured and they were required to note down any unusual phenomena they experienced, marking where these occured on a map of the room, and at what time. Each session lasted approximately 50 minutes. Participants were randomly placed in one of 4 groups though they were not informed of their group until the end of the experiment: those subjected to infrasound, those subjected to magnetic fields, those subjected to both and those subjected to neither.]

Written by ajsteggell

May 4, 2007 at 10:09 pm